Why Register with Boatshed?
We are always told that Boatshed's website and online platform for the sale of boats is 'the best in the industry', but our technical engineers are always trying to improve it. We have added new features to our website and boat search system to make these even easier and quicker for boat buyers and boat sellers to use.
MyBoatshed account: Registered users of Boatshed.com can set up a MyBoatshed account, to help them manage boats for sale or boats that they are interested in. MyBoatshed is a user’s personal area within Boatshed. Some of its features include:
Photos: See up to 100+ pictures of a boat. We only let registered users have a look, as we photograph lots of gear and personal equipment on each boat and we have to protect an owner’s privacy. Registration is free, simple and instant.
Photo slideshow: You can view the photos by slideshow, or manually of up to 100 photographs of a boat and her gear and get to examine the boat in real time!
Videos: See videos of the interior and exterior of a boat, to get a much better feel of what the boat is like.
VR-Virtual Reality - View the boat as if you are inside, a neat interactive tool to help you see 360 plus ceilings and floors.
New Boats For Sale: All our 60+ offices are busy listing boats to sell and you can view these as they come onto our system each day
Make an Offer: Through your account you can make an offer on any boat at any time.
Watch Boats: You can place specific boats that you are interested in onto a watch list .
BoatFinder: Fed up searching through thousands of boats to find the boat that you're after?BoatFinder is here to help!
BoatFinder is your virtual boat watching assistant. It monitors all of the boats coming onto Boatshed.com to see if any fit a set of pre-determined parameters that you stipulate.
Anyone registered on the Boatshed.com system can use the BoatFinder service. The BoatFinder service enables you to track the thousands of boats listed by brokers across the Boatshed.com network. It alerts you to new listings as soon as they are activated on the Boatshed.com system.
BoatFinder allows you to create multiple boat searches to help find your next boat and sends you alerts when a new boat matches your search parameters. There are many boats to choose from at Boatshed but sometimes you may not be able to find exactly what you are looking for. With new boats being added all the time, your ideal boat might be just around the corner, but you don't want to have to persistently check back every hour.
With BoatFinder you just enter the specification for your ideal boat and then forget about it! We do all the hard work from that point onward, matching your specs against our boats. We'll inform you of any new boats added whilst you were away that may interest you by email notifications, plus you can always log into your account and view there.
Owner Portal
Owner Portal: Boatshed has recently launched Owner Portal just for boat sellers, to enable them to monitor progress of their boats for sale in real time.
Getting regular updates from your yacht broker about sales activity on your boat is vital. Boatshed already has a variety of feedback systems to make sure owners are kept up to date with activity. However, as an extension to this, we now have a new secure area where owners of boats can get live information on activity and sales data for their boat for sale.
- View live info on all your boats for sale.
- Detailed viewing statistics for your boat.
- View historic price reductions.
- Request price adjustments and new marketing.
- View boat documents uploaded by your broker.
- Request an appointment with your broker.
- Enter your boat into a boat auction.
Boat Auctions: Boatshed has the facility to use a Boat Auction website BoatBid to create extra awareness of boats for sale. Try bidding on boats, its easy simple and you can bid knowing that if you are the winning bidder you can still have the boat surveyed.
Read more here...
Other improvement to our website include
- Fully Responsive Design for easy and immediate viewing on phones and mobile devices.
- Auto Search predictive facility when looking for boats.
- Sale Checklist monitoring each stage of the sale and purchase process of a boat.
- Full, automatic, language Translation of all web content.
- Feedback tab: we listen to what improvements our customers suggest